A Qualified MAF Physician is a board-certified neurologist, board-certified neurosurgeon, or other board-certified neuro-specialist physician, who is part of an approved
list of physicians authorized to make a Qualifying Diagnosis.
Contact an approved Qualified MAF Physician to schedule your appointment. You will be responsible for the costs of your exam. Where we have the information, we list the
insurance plans accepted by each physician, but be sure to confirm whether your specific plan is accepted with the doctor's office before your appointment. The office of the
Qualified MAF Physician who examines you must be located within 150 miles from your primary residence. Please note that this requirement applies only to appointments
made after April 11, 2019. If you made your appointment before that date, you do not need to reschedule with a different Qualified MAF Physician. Use the mileage shown in
the results from your search to pick a physician within 150 miles. Do not use the actual driving mileage to determine whether a Qualified MAF Physician meets this requirement. If there are no Qualified MAF
Physicians in your search results within 150 miles, then contact us for help.
If the Retired Player wants to use a Qualified MAF Physician more than 150 miles away, we can make exceptions to that 150-Mile Rule but must do so before the appointment. This is
a flexible rule with broad exceptions. We may grant exceptions to this 150-Mile Rule if the Retired Player asks us, where there is no Qualified MAF Physician close enough
to him, or the wait for one is too long, or the Retired Player already has a doctor-patient relationship with a doctor, or other circumstances seem reasonable, such as, for
example where the Retired Player has a secondary residence.
There are three ways to request approval to see a Qualified MAF Physician more than 150 miles from the Retired Player’s primary residence: (1) click
to fill out and
submit a request online; (2) click here to open a PDF of the request form you can print; or (3) email us at
ClaimsAdministrator@NFLConcussionSettlement.com and tell us the information requested in the form. We
will let you know as quickly as possible whether your request has been approved.
If you have any questions about any of this or have any problems getting an appointment, email us at ClaimsAdministrator@NFLConcussionSettlement.com
or call us at 1-855-887-3485.
MAF Physician Locator Search Results